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If an ectopic pregnancy isn't recognized and treated, the embryo will grow until the fallopian tube ruptures, resulting in severe abdominal pain and bleeding. This can cause permanent damage to the tube or loss of the tube, and if it involves very heavy internal bleeding that's not treated promptly, it can even lead to death. That's why early diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care are so important..

MicroSortIn 2010, clinical trials continued on a sperm-sorting method of gender selection called MicroSort. With this technique, technology is used to sort sperm into groups most likely to produce girls or boys. The sperm are then used for intrauterine insemination or in-vitro fertilization.

Women are not comfortable with their anatomy, masturbate less than men, and have sex that is based on what works for men. Only 29% of women always have an orgasm during sex, in comparison to 75% of men. If more women found sex physically gratifying, they might not be so hung up on romance.

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To get the maximum amount of performance out of your engine, use synthetic motor oil. It will allow all the inner works of your engine to run more smoothly for longer periods of time. When you have a high performance engine, of course you want to take care of it and keep it working at full potential the entire time you own the automobile north face coupons..

